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For Doubters – Hizbullah Reports That It Is Back

The Zionists had hoped that their terror tactics of exploding pagers and the bombing of Hizbullah’s leadership in Lebanon would hinder or decrease its enemy’s ability to fight.

That hope however was in vane. Hizbullah, like its Hamas ally in Gaza, was build to sustain its efforts despite such incidents.

Today, Naim Qassem, the deputy leader of Hizbullah appeared in a broadcast and declared that Hizbullah remained fully operational:

In his address, Qassem stated, “We are firing hundreds of rockets and dozens of drones. A large number of settlements and cities are under the fire of the resistance.” He emphasised that Hezbollah’s top leadership remains active and that the posts of the slain commanders have been filled, asserting, “We have no vacant posts.”

How useless it is to kill an enemy’s leadership was also shown in Gaza:

[A]n insight into what is actually going on in Gaza was offered by Israel’s latest announcement that it had killed three senior Hamas officials – Rawhi Mushtaha, the head of government and de facto prime minister; Sameh al-Siraj, who held the security portfolio on Hamas’s political bureau; and Sami Oudeh, commander of Hamas’s General Security Mechanism.

The air strike happened three months ago, and no one had noticed their absence. This is because Hamas continued to function regardless of which leaders were alive or dead.

In the past, assassinations had led to a period of uncertainty for Hamas. This happened after the killing of Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi in 2004. But it does not work today and nor does it work with this generation of fighters.

Yesterday Hizbullah fired five missiles on the harbor city of Haifa. Today 100 more missiles followed.

These are in response to Israel’s bombing of Beirut’s suburbs.

Israel has committed several division to invading the south of Lebanon. The distance they have managed to intrude from the border is still measured in mere meter.

Elijah J. Magnier 🇪🇺 @ejmalrai – 16:07 UTC · Oct 8, 2024

#Hezbollah’s media warfare department is back: command and control is fully operational. Missiles and drones are filmed as they are launched. This means that the Ridwan ops will be filmed as it confronts the Israelis, in order to restore the morale of resistance supporters against the invaders.

Yesterday missiles from Gaza, Iraq and Yemen were aiming at Tel Aviv. Today Hizbullah also sent missiles towards it. Each such attack will cause an air alarm. People will interrupt their work and go into bunkers. Israel’s air defense will exhausts it supplies while at least some missiles get through and hit their targets.

How long will the Israeli society sustain such stress?

The IDF Home Front Command is issuing stricter guidelines in several cities near Haifa, which prevent schools from operating.

Schools will not be able to open in Kiryat Ata, Kiryat Bialik, Kiryat Yam and Kiryat Motzkin, under the latest guidelines. Schools will stay open in Haifa itself, provided that a bomb shelter can be reached quickly enough.

The change comes after Hezbollah fired 105 rockets at the Haifa area this morning.

The Zionist prime minister Benjamin Natanyhoo urged the people of Lebanon to raise against Hizbullah. For him to do so must mean that the war is not going the way he hoped. There is zero chance that such an uprising will happen.

On October 1 some 200 missiles from Iran hit military targets in Israel. The publicly available videos show dozens of hits on an air base with hangers and planes affected. Damage at the other targets is still kept under censorship. But is is obvious that most of the Iranian missiles passed through Israeli air defenses and hit their intended targets.

While Israel has said that it will hit back in revenge for the strike is has yet to do so. It is likely that it fears the response that Iran would unleash on it.

There are thousands of missiles hidden in well protected Iranian sites that are aimed at elements Israel needs to function. Its electricity networks, refineries, harbors and airports are all targeted and would be hit.

This will be a long war and Israel, which had expanded and escalated it whenever possible, is not prepared for it.